In 2008, Manchester School of Art established the MA Design LAB programme — a multi-disciplinary and project-led approach where the crossovers of material practices were encouraged to enable students to undertake design projects often involving complex social issues. I led and co-ordinated this programme between 2008 and 2013.
Flexibility and adaptability on a material and social level were primary concerns for the programme. These qualities enabled students to connect with the vast and challenging nature of the issues in hand, such as the ageing population.
The Age Friendly City publication showcases several projects carried out in Chorlton, Manchester, documenting design challenges and detailing responses that can be adapted or used by others working in this field. It’s written from the perspective of the Design LAB students.
The project work and publication were produced by the MA Design LAB programme working in partnership with the Valuing Older People (VOP) team at Public Health Manchester, Manchester City Council.
Download the The Age Friendly City publication, designed by Design LAB alumni, Dom Latham and Dan Russell.
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Nº 3
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Nº 10
In 2008, Manchester School of Art established the MA Design LAB programme — a multi-disciplinary and project-led approach where the crossovers of material practices were encouraged to enable students to undertake design projects often involving complex social issues. I led and co-ordinated this programme between 2008 and 2013.
Flexibility and adaptability on a material and social level were primary concerns for the programme. These qualities enabled students to connect with the vast and challenging nature of the issues in hand, such as the ageing population.
The Age Friendly City publication showcases several projects carried out in Chorlton, Manchester, documenting design challenges and detailing responses that can be adapted or used by others working in this field. It’s written from the perspective of the Design LAB students.
The project work and publication were produced by the MA Design LAB programme working in partnership with the Valuing Older People (VOP) team at Public Health Manchester, Manchester City Council.
Download the The Age Friendly City publication, designed by Design LAB alumni, Dom Latham and Dan Russell.
Nº 1
Nº 2
Nº 3
Nº 4
Nº 5
Nº 6
Nº 7
Nº 8
Nº 9
Nº 10